Bulletins & Articles

Bulletins & Articles

If Creation is a Myth

   According to a study by Pew Research Center referenced in Christianity Today, more than half of Protestant church-goers selected “Humans have evolved over time due to processes that were guided or allowed by God” when asked about man’s origin.  This moderate view is not surprising.  In the name of finding common ground, lines in the sand are often erased and redrawn endlessly, until eventually one takes no stand at all.

   Rather than trying to scientifically prove matters pertaining to faith, let’s look at the creation account through the lens of our title above, as this is the assertion that many make about the Genesis account.  If Gen. 1-10 (from Adam to Noah) is just a story, then…

  • There is no real design for the family – Jesus defined marriage using Gen. 2 (Matt. 19).  The designed roles in the family (1 Cor. 11) reference Gen. 2 and 3.  Polygamy, divorce, gender-role rejection, and other issues; It is little surprise that these issues are issues when people fictionalize creation. 
  • Man has no dominion and is no better than an animal – Gen. 1:26 states that man was made in the image of God and was given dominion over the animals.  This verse and evolution cannot coexist.  They are saying 2 very different things.  If evolution is true, man was not created in God’s image.
  • Aspects of worship make no sense – As roles in worship were prescribed for men and women, it is little surprise that once again we find Genesis being used (1 Tim. 2).  Do you see the direction this is heading?
  • God’s judgments are unjust, and perhaps also unreal – Jesus references the blood of Abel in the destruction of Jerusalem (Matt. 23:35).  If God’s wrath was based in part on nothing more than a story, God is very unfair.  More than once, future judgment in Scripture has as its basis the flood (Matt. 24, 1&2 Pet.).  If the world that existed did not perish, perhaps the world today will not either?

   There are other issues with the creation account being only a myth.  If the account is allegorical, why is it allegorical?  Man’s inability to understand?  If man could believe that he came from dust, surely he could believe if he came from an animal?  What is the difference between the 2?  One requires belief while the other requires invention.  If Genesis 1-5 is fiction, where does reality start?  Gen. 11?  Why couldn’t it all be fiction?  Also, what is the point of the genealogies in Gen. 5?

   Those genealogies appear again in the gospels.  Where does the lie end and the truth begin?  Let us be careful.  Moderates easily become modernists, suddenly calling into question Jesus Himself, the resurrection, heaven and hell, and so many issues involving the family, the church, and the faith altogether (Heb. 11:1-7).